The below are some of the things that I came to know. There could be possibility of mistakes so,
For good understanding about Lord Sri Venkateswara, please visit and download the ebooks present there and read them. They are simply EXCELLENT!
Anyway, I wished to put here SOME(VERY FEW) of my own understanding. I won't put the entire thing(Its even very difficult!) as you can read those books if want to understand completely.
General (For Star benefits please see below):
1. Lord Sri Venkateswara is Om kAra swarUpam. Thirumala vEnkatEswarudu OmkAra swarUpudu.
2.If your mind is not feeling well, chant 'Om gOvindAya namaha' in your mind thinking the Lord.
3.Visit Lord Sri Venkateswara in Thirumala atleast once in your life time. Make sure that you first take bath in swamy vAri pushkarini and visit Lord VarAha mUrthy swAmy before visiting the Lord Srinivasa. You are able to visit the Lord or you got a desire to visit the Lord because of your punyam. entho punyam vunte kAni, swAmini darshinchukOlEmu.
4.Lord likes thithhi-EkAdasi, Nakshatram(star)-Sravanam and mAsam(month)-mArgasiram, place on Earth - thirumala/vEnkatAdri/vEnkatAchalam/nArAyanAdri/vrushabhAdri/garudAdri/sEshAdri/kanakAdri/anjanAdri/etc
5.If you want your work to be successfully completed, then there are three required things: your krushi(hardwork), daivAnugraham(God's grace), yOgyam/yOgyata.
6.Lord Sri Venkateswara swamy is yagna swarUpam. yagnam vEnkatEswara swarUpam.
7.Lord Sri Venkateswara swamy is chandra swarUpam. chandrudu srI vEnkatEswaruni swarUpam
8.In DhanurmAsam, on the day of sukla paksha dwAdasi, at the time of sun rise, all the theerthas(thIrthamulu) in this entire universe(brahmAndamu), will bathe in the swAmi vAri pushkarini to get rid of their sins which they got due to many creatures bathing in them throughout the year.
9.There is no difference between siva and kEshava(Lord Vishnu). There are one and the same.
10.lord srI vEnkatEswara resides in the hearts of all creatures in Atma swarUpam.
11.Any dAnam(donation) done on vEnkatAdri/thirumala can give benefits 1000 times the benefits got when the same dAnam is done some where else.
12.Lord srI vEnkatEswara is also known as 'BUgarBaha'(since He bears the Earth at his stomach), 'Dhanvi'(since He bears the supreme powerful bow(Dhanassu)), 'sarva dharsanaha'(since He can see all the places in this entire universe simultaneoulsy indicating that He is omni-present), 'srImAn'(since He has 'srI'(srI mahAlakshmi dEvi) as his consort(wife)).
13.Lord srI vEnkatEswara is omni-present in this entire universe meaning, at a given instant He can do many(all) works like listening to a devotee's prayer, granting a boon to some other devotee, etc SIMULTANEOUSLY.
14.darsanam of the Lord is very simple if you lead a sinless life thinking of/praying(smarana) (only)Him.
15.All your sins will be removed once you step on thirumala(vEnkatAdhri) and visit(have darSanam of) divya(dhivya) mangala manOhara swarUpa, Lord srI vEnkatEswara.
16.All(sarva) Gods and Goddesses(dEvatalu) are vishnu(Lord srInivAsa) swarUpAs.
17.Devotion should also be accompanied by viSwAsam(belief/trust) in the Lord. Devotion without viSwAsam is UNFRUITFUL. Infact, viSwAsam is an integral part of good devotion(ananyamaina BakthilO viSwAsam kUdA miLithamai untundhi).
Regarding stars (Nakshatramulu) - Star benefits:
1.ashwini:If you visit Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments(ghadiyalu) of Star - Ashwini, then all sorts of your illness will be removed. You will be completely healthy and even wealthy(aiswaryam). The ill could be any terrific/different one, it will definetely be removed by visiting the Lord on the moments of star- Ashwini.
2.Barani/bharani: If you visit Thirumala Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of Barani nakshatram, then you need not fear of unexpected/accidental death (akAla mruthyu bhayam undadhu).You will have a complete lifespan(sampUrna AyurdhAyam) and at the end you will attain mOksham.
3.krutthika/kritthika('kri' as in krishna):If you visit Thirumala Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of krutthika, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes) and more importantly, you will be bestowed with vidya(education).
4.rOhini: (This is my own conclusion)If you pray or visit (Thirumala)Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of rOhini, then you will bestowed with santhAna bhAgyam.
5.mrugasira:If you pray or visit Thirumala Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of mrugasira, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good lucks and good fortunes).
6.Arudhra/Arudra: If you pray(smarana) siva and kEshava(Lord Vishnu i.e., Lord sri vEnkatEswara) on the day(preferably in the moments) of Arudhra, then no dangers will come to you. If you pray(smarana) or visit Lord Sri Venkateswara on the day(preferrably in the moments) of Arudhra, then you will be bestowed with all(sakala) bhOga bhAgyAlu (benefits and good fortunes). Remember that there is no difference between siva and kEshava(Lord Vishnu).
7.punarvasu: If you pray(smarana) or visit Lord Sri Venkateswara on the day(preferrably in the moments) of punarvasu, then you will live happily in ihalOkam and eventually(at the end) you will attain mukti(salvation).
8.pushyami:If you visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara on Thursday with pushyami nakshatram(pushyami nakshatramlo kUdina guruvAram nAdu), then you will be bestowed with all good lucks and fortunes and all your works will be completed successfully by the divine grace of the Lord. More importantly, you will definitely be bestowed with the wealth of education(vidyA sampada) on visiting the Lord on a Thursday with pushyami nakshatram.
9.AslEsha:(This is my own conclusion)If you pray or visit (Thirumala)Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of AslEsha, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks). For better results, pray Lord rAma who is none other than Lord vEnkatEswara by chanting 'srI rAma jaya rAma jaya jaya rAma' or/and 'jai srI rAm' or/and 'srIrAma rAma rAmEthI, ramE rAmE manOramE, sahasranAma thath-thulyam, rAma nAma varAnanE'.
10.makha:If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara on the day of makha nakshatram, then you will get immense punyam which removes all of your previous sins. In addition to that, if you light a lamp to the Lord on this day, then you will get more punyam.(swAmiki dIpam veligiste marinta punyam vastundi). This effect is maximum if the month is mAgham since it will be pournami on the day of makha nakshatram in the month of mAgham. The nakshatram on the day of mAgha-pournami is makha. amrutha-mUrthi ayinatvanti aa srI vEnkatEswaruni manamandaramU makha nakshatram nAdu smarinchi, darSinchi, janma Danyam chEsukOvAli.
11.pUrvA phalguni(pubba): If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara on the day of pubba nakshatram then, all your works will be completed successfully without any disturbances/breaks. Unmarried ladies if they think of/pray or visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara in the moments of pubba nakshatram, then they immediately get married.The easiest and the immediate way to get the grace(anugraham) of the Lord is to visit Him in the moments of pubba nakshatram.
12.utthara phalguni(utthara): (This is my own conclusion)If you pray or visit (Thirumala)Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of utthara, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks). Most importantly, pray Goddess Sri MahAlakshmi, the Lord's beloved consort along with Him for best results as utthara is lakshmIdEvi nakshatram.
13.hastha: (This is my own conclusion)If you pray or visit (Thirumala)Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of hastha, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks). For better results also pray Lord sUrya bhagavAn, Lord nArasimha swAmy each of whom is none other than Lord Sri Venkateswara Himself.
14.chittha: If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara on the day of chittha nakshatram, then you will get fame(yasassu), all gains(sampadalu) likes wealth, health, etc. ESPECIALLY, if you visit Lord srImannArAyana in any temple in the evening time during the moments of chittha nakshatram, then the results will be more pronounced/severe.
15.swAthi:(This is my own conclusion)If you pray or visit (Thirumala)Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of swAthi, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks). For better results also pray Lord srI rAma who is none other than Lord Sri Venkateswara Himself.
16.visAkha:(This is my own conclusion)If you pray or visit (Thirumala)Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of visAkha, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks). For better results please chant the all-powerful ashtAkshari mantram 'Om namO nArAyanAya'. The month vaisAkham is very much liked by Lord srInivAsa, so those who chant 'Om namO nArAyanAya' in the month of vaisAkham will be bestowed with all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks).
17.anUrADha: If you think of/pray(smarana) Lord srI vEnkatEswara on the day of anUrADha nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with all(sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks).
18.jyEshTha: Those who pray/do archana(archinchu) to Lord srImannArAyana(Lord srI vEnkatEswara) on the day of jyEshTha, then they will hold very special,important and high-class positions(padavulu). Darshanam of Lord srInivAsa on this day is very good and auspicious(subha pradam). If you ask the Lord for mOksham,gnAnam,bhOga bhAgyAlu(comforts,pleasure,gains(sampadalu),etc),punyam you will definitely get them (mOksham,gnAnam,bhOga bhAgyAlu and punyam(besides sin-removal!)) respectively.
19.mUla. If you visit Lord srImannArAyana(or srI vEnkatEswara) on the day of mUla nakshatram then you will be bestowed with(given) sarva(all) gnAnamulu(knowledge) and sarva soubhAgyAlu.
20.pUrvAshADa: If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara(srInivAsa) on the day of pUrvAshADa nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with sarva(all) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains) and sarva aiswaryAlu(wealth,etc)
21.uttharAshADa:If you think of(thalachu) or pray(archana) Lord srImannArAyana on the day of uttharAshADa nakshatram, then you will get immense punyam. Especially, if you visit Lord srInivAsa on a Sunday with uttharAshADa nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with sarva(all) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains).
22.Sravanam: (This is my own conclusion)If you pray or visit (Thirumala)Lord Sri Venkateswara in the moments of SravanA nakshatram, then you will get all (sarva) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains). Remember that Lord srI vEnkatEswara is Lord vishnu. So, you could chant 'srI vishnu sahasranAmam' thinking of Lord srI vEnkateswara or Lord srI mahA vishnu.
23.DhanishTa:(This is my own conclusion) If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit (Thirumala)Lord srI vEnkatEswara(srInivAsa) on the day of DhanishTA nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with sarva(all) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains).
24.SathaBisham:(This is my own conclusion) If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit (Thirumala)Lord srI vEnkatEswara(srInivAsa) on the day of SathaBishA nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with sarva(all) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains).
25.pUrvA BAdhra: If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara(srInivAsa) on the day of pUrvA BAdhra nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with sarva(all) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains).Also, those ladies who want to get married, will have their marriages immediately fixed if they think of/pray(smarana) or visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara(srInivAsa) on the day of pUrvA BAdhra nakshatram.
26.uttharA BAdhra: If you visit Lord srI vEnkatEswara(srInivAsa) on the day of uttharA BAdhra nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with sarva(all) suBalu/subhAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains). Also, those couples who don't have children(santhAnam), will be bestowed with good children if they pray(pUja) Lord srImannArAyana on the day of uttharA bhAdra nakshatram.
27.rEvathi:(This is my own conclusion) If you think of/pray(smarana) or visit (Thirumala)Lord srI vEnkatEswara(srInivAsa) on the day of rEvathi nakshatram, then you will be bestowed with sarva(all) soubhAgyAlu(good fortunes and good lucks and gains).