[ Tiruppavai/Thiruppavai/Tiruppaavai/Thiruppaavai ] - Download MP3 audio, text (PDF) in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalm, Sanskrit, English and Pravachanam in Telugu
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Text in Telugu: The following sacred texts are present in this pdf - Link / Click here
Tiruppaavai (Telugu)
Tiruppalliyezhuchchi (Telugu)
Amalanaadipiraan (Telugu)
Kanninun sirutthaambu (Telugu)
Podhu-thaniyankaL (English and Sanskrit)
sARRumuRai (English and Sanskrit)
http://www.prapatti.com/slokas/slokasbyname.html (search - Ctrl+F - for 'tiruppaavai' in this webpage )
Explanations and Pravachanams:
Explanations in English: Excellent explanation of each Pasuram line by line can be found in the below PDF:
(same document as above) http://www.scribd.com/doc/99872/Thiruppavai
(Another different one) - http://www.sadagopan.org/dp/dp58-thiruppavai.PDF
Tiruppavai Pravachanam in Telugu : Pravachanam is nothing but explaining in great detail with the help of stories from mythology and a great deal of other things in a very interesting manner and easy, simple to understand language. Excellent pravachanams in Telugu of Thiruppavai by various eminent personalities are present at the below webpage. Pravachanams of many other sacred texts are also present in this webpage:
In the context of pravachanams in Telugu, I would like to draw your attention to this below website:
which hosts pravachanams of Sarada Gnanaputra Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao garu. His pravachanams are interesting, marvellous and easy to understand which renders them invaluable. I request you all to at least consider listening to SrimadBhagavatam or a pravachanam on your favorite deity/topic.
Wish you all a happy and spiritually enlightening Dhanurmasam or Margazhi.
Om namO srI vEnkatAchalapatayE namaha
Om namO vEnkatesAya.
Om srI gOdAyai namaha
Om srI mAtrE namaha