Importance of Fasting
Friday, 4 February 2011
Feasting comes easily to us, since eating is one of the pleasures we never tire of. But fasting is what we should focus on, from the point of view of our spiritual well being, said V.S. Karunakarachariar.
But while cutting down on food may be good from the health point of view, how could it bring us spiritual benefits? When we fast, the Lord will be near us, and if He is near is, then we will not be troubled by bad thoughts.
That is why everyone is asked to fast for at least one day a month. Everyone must observe a fast on Ekadasi.
There are eleven culprits who trouble us — the five karmendriyas, the five gnanendriyas and our mind. That is why we are asked to fast on the eleventh day of every month, which is Ekadasi. It is no ordinary fast. We should not consume even water to quench our thirst. This is the best way to fast on Ekadasi.
But what of those who are unable to do this? The injunction is that they should not eat rice. So maybe some compromises can be made. They could perhaps eat some fruits, or drink some milk. Or, in the event of their not being able to keep rice totally off their plates, they could break the rice and make porridge with the broken rice.
But what they should not do is to consume whole rice grains. Thus, while it would be better if one could observe a total fast, shunning even water, the rules can be relaxed for those who are unable to adhere to such a strict fast.
Everyone knows the story of Lord Siva consuming the Halahala poison, and of Goddess Parvati holding His throat and thus preventing Him from swallowing the poison.
Lord Siva says that He transferred the ill effects of the poison to the stomachs of those who ate rice on Ekadasi. We are asked to fast for just one day every month. That cannot be too difficult for us, can it?
The fasting will help us think of God, and not keep our attention on worldly things. Our mind tends to move in all directions, except the right one, and it requires practice and concentration for us to keep our minds on God. Fasting is one way to help us achieve this.